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Milestone 1

  • Public websites.
  • Work on documentation and public landing page.
  • Timeframe: 2 weeks.

Milestone 2

  • Development of the launchpad.
  • Do the lion share of the work around the development, smart contracts and dApp frontend together with basic testing. - Timeframe: 2 months.

Milestone 3

  • Extensive testing and testnet deployment.
  • Do a testnet deployment, perform manual testing on a live network, write more automated tests, fix bugs.
  • Timeframe: 2 weeks.

Milestone 4

  • Code review with team.
  • Perform code review with the Alephium team, assess and fix potential issues detected by the team.
  • Timeframe: depends on team availability, ideally about 2 weeks.

Milestone 5

  • Mainnet Launch.
  • Launch the launchpad on mainnet, kick off the public sale of $APAD token.
  • Timeframe: 1 week for logistics.